*Granny Style*
It's Spirit Week for my Public Schooler
Today was Grandma/Grandpa Day
She said "do you want some peppermint candy"
ok heres what we did...
*She wore a long dress
*She wore a sweater or you could wear a scarf
(I figured it would be hard to keep up with at school)
*She wore Knee Highs at her ankles (nude in color)
(25 cents in a plastic egg in walmart if you dont have any)
*long pearls or necklace
*glasses holder on chain
($1 at the Dollar Tree)
($1 at the Dollar Tree)
*glasses (already wears them)
*cane or walker
(borrowed from neighbor)
*Rollers or Baby powder in hair
(she has a soccer game later so I didn't go with gray hair)
($1 at the Dollar Tree)
($1 at the Dollar Tree)
*Black shoes
most important**
**A whole bunch of Sass
This could work with spirit week or Halloween

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